nEXT Mechanical

nEXT Mechanical

High vacuum

A turbomolecular pump is a multistage axial-flow turbine in which high speed rotating blades provide compression by increasing the probability of gas moving in the pumping direction. The turbomolecular pump is optimised for molecular flow conditions and requires a suitably sized backing pump to exhaust to atmosphere.

Superior performance

Exceptional pumping speeds and compression ratios

Superior reliability

Built on decades of experience and based on our tried and trusted EXT and STP ranges

4-year maintenance

Up to 4 years between pump service

100% User-serviceable

Quick and low-cost oil lubrication cartridge and full bearing change

Hybrid Bearing Technology

Ceramic lower bearing and dry permanent magnet upper bearing

Built on decades of experience

The nEXT pumps offer superior performance, reliability and end user serviceablity, setting the benchmark for scientific turbomolecular pumps.

Exceptional performance from the nEXT range

nEXT has been designed to combine all the latest technological advances in turbomolecular pumps offering pump sizes of 55, 85, 240, 300, 400, 730, 925 and 1250 l/s pumping speeds for Nitrogen these pumps provide end-user serviceability and deliver a truly class leading product.

nEXT55 and nEXT85 turbomolecular pumps

The nEXT55 and nEXT85 are the most compact of the nEXT range, with significantly reduced height and improved performance in a smaller package these pumps offer pumping speeds of 55 l/s and 85 l/s for nitrogen They offer the highest pumping density of other pumps in its class, with almost double the pumping speed of similar sized turbo pumps.

nEXT240, nEXT300 and nEXT400 turbomolecular pumps

The nEXT240, nEXT300 and nEXT400 set the benchmark for scientific turbomolecular pumps, built on decades of experience and based on our tried and trusted EXT and STP ranges. With these long established models we offer a wide variety of sizes and variants giving OEMs and end users a greater choice and the flexibility to tailor the most appropriate vacuum solution to meet their individual needs.

nEXT730, nEXT930 and the new nEXT1230 turbomolecular pumps

With the nEXT730 and nEXT930, Edwards extended the range of our market leading nEXT platform with two larger pumps offering speeds significantly over 730 l/s and 925 l/s for nitrogen. We are now extending this again to include the nEXT1230 with pumping speeds of 1250 l/s for nitrogen. These compact pumps are able to operate in any orientation, and are supported by a full range of accessories for cooling, venting, powering and control. As well as addressing the general R&D market, where faster pumping speeds are sometimes required, these pumps are also designed to meet the requirements of the coating market and other diffuse market sectors such as Heat treatment, Furnace applications, Ebeam welding, Etch, Ion implant, Degassing and Cylinder evacuation.

E2S with EH booster combination

Standard combinations of E2S two stage rotary pumps and EH mechanical boosters are available for high-capacity demands. Factory pre-assembled, these pumping systems are compact, mobile and easy to use. With a direct start from atmospheric pressure our E2S85-EH1200 stack provides 900 m3/h (@60Hz) effective speed and allows to reach high vacuum range with an ultimate vacuum of 2×10-4 mbar.

Edwards Presents nEXT Turbomolecular Pump Range

by Dave Goodwin

Since their introduction Edwards has now produced 100,000 nEXT Turbomolecular Pumps.

Technical Specifications

Unit nEXT55 nEXT85H nEXT85H nEXT85H nEXT85H nEXT240 nEXT240 nEXT300 nEXT300 nEXT400 nEXT400
Peak pumping speed NW40 ISO63 CF63 ISO100 Version D Version T Version D Version T Version D Version T
N2 l/s 55 47 84 84 86 240 240 300 300 400 400
Ar l/s 55 44 80 80 84 230 230 280 280 380 380
He l/s 41 61 78 78 78 230 230 340 340 390 390
H2 l/s 27 44 54 54 54 166 165 280 280 325 325
Compression Ratio
N2 l/s >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011
Ar l/s >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011 >1011
He l/s 8 x 106/2 x 107 (D/H) 2×10⁷ 2×10⁷ 2×10⁷ 2×10⁷ 3×10⁵ 106 106 3×106 108 > 108
H2 l/s 2 x 105/5 x 105 (D/H) 5×10⁵ 5×10⁵ 5×10⁵ 5×10⁵ 104 105 5×104 10⁵ 5×10⁵ 106
Ultimate vacuum mbar <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10 <5×10-10
  nEXT730D nEXT930D nEXT1230
ISO-K 160 CF 160 ISO-K 200 CF 200 DN 200 CF DN 200 ISO-F DN 200 ISO-K
Main input Pumping speed
N2 l/s-1 730 925 1250
He l/s-1 820 905 1 150
H2 l/s-1 715 735 1350
Ar l/s-1 665 865 1 150
Maximum compression rate between discharge and admission.
N2 > 1 x 1011 > 1 x 1011 1 x 1011
He 1,2 × 108 1,2 × 108 4 x 108
H2 4 × 106 4 × 106 1 x 107
Ar > 1 x 1011 > 1 x 1011 1 x 1011
Maximum pressure (mbar) (CF) 3,0 × 10-10 3,0 × 10-10 < 5 x 10-10 Indicates higher pressure for ISO-K and ISO-F
Weight (kg) 14,6 19,6 15,4 21,7 32,6 24,9 23,7
Full throughput:
N2 14 14 12
He 21 21 < 20
H2 >14 >14 < 20
Ar 3.5 3.5 4

Key features

Exceptional pumping speeds and compression ratios

superior performance

Huge install base of turbopumps

proven reliability for peace of mind

Bespoke design service available

flexible solutions

Integrated intelligent controls

ease of use

Fully end user serviceable

Extended lifetime and low cost of ownership

Enhanced customer choice

large variety of standard variants